Part II. Cathodic Protection Well Construction
Section 6. Well Location With Respect to Pollutants and Contaminants, and Structures
A. Separation.Cathodic protection wells shall be located an adequate distance from known or potential sources of pollution or contamination, where site constraints and corrosion control considerations allow. Potential sources of pollution and contamination include those listed in Section 8 of the Water Well Standards.
As specified in Section 7 below, the length of the annular seal for a cathodic protection well shall be increased if the well is located in a congested urban area, or is located within 100 feet of any potential source of pollution or contamination.
B. Flooding and Drainage. Cathodic protection wells should be located in areas protected from flooding, if possible. Wells located in areas of flooding shall be protected from flood waters and drainage, including protective measures outlined in Section 8, below.
Ground surface surrounding a cathodic protection well shall slope away from the well. Drainage from areas surrounding a cathodic protection well shall be directed away from the well.
C. Accessibility. All cathodic protection wells shall be located an adequate distance from buildings and other structures to allow access for well maintenance, modification, repair, and destruction, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
Section 7. Sealing the Upper Annular Space
The space between the cathodic protection well casing and the wall of the well boring, often referred to as the "annular space," shall be effectively sealed to prevent it from being a preferential pathway for the movement of poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants. In some cases, secondary purposes of the annular seal are to stabilize the borehole wall, protect casing from degradation or corrosion, and ensure the structural integrity of the casing.
General discussion of sealing requirements and methods is contained in Section 9 and Section 13 of the Water Well Standards and Appendix B. Special requirements for sealing cathodic protection wells are:
A. Minimum Depth of Annular Seal.
- 1. Minimum Depth. The annular space shall be filled with appropriate sealing material from ground surface to a depth of at least 20 feet below land surface. The annular space shall be sealed to a depth of at least 50 feet below land surface in congested urban areas, or where a cathodic protection well is within 100 feet of any potential source of pollution or contamination. Additional annular sealing material shall be installed to greater depths where adverse conditions exist that increase the risk of pollution or contamination of groundwater.
- 2. Fill. Any annular space existing between the base of the annular surface seal and the top of the anode and conductive fill interval shall be filled with appropriate fill or sealing material. Fill material should consist of washed granular material such as sand, pea gravel, or sealing material. Fill material shall not be subject to decomposition or consolidation after placement and shall be free of pollutants and contaminants. Fill material shall not contain drill cuttings or drilling mud. Sealing material is often more practical and economical to use for filling the annular space than granular material.
- 3. Sealing-Off Strata. Additional annular sealing material shall be placed below the minimum depth of the annular surface seal, as needed, to prevent the movement of poor-quality water, pollutants, and contaminants through the well to zones of good-quality water. Requirements for sealing off zones are in Section 10, below.
B. Sealing Conditions. Requirements for sealing the annular space under varied conditions are detailed in Section 9, Subsection B of the Water Well Standards.
C. Radial Thickness of Seal. A minimum of 2 inches of sealing material shall be maintained between all casings and the borehole wall within the interval to be sealed, except where temporary conductor casing cannot be removed as noted in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards. At least 2 inches of sealing material shall be maintained between all casings in a borehole, within the interval to be sealed unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. Additional space shall be provided, where needed, to allow casings to be properly centralized and spaced and allow the use of a tremie pipe during well construction (if required), especially for deeper wells.
D. Sealing Material. Sealing material shall consist of neat cement, sand-cement, concrete, or bentonite clay as discussed in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards. Cement-based sealing material shall be used opposite zones of fractured rock used. Concrete shall only be used at the approval of the enforcing agency. Drill cuttings and used drilling mud shall not be used as any part of sealing material.
E. Placement of Seal. Standards for the placement of annular seals are described in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards and Appendix B.
Section 8. Surface Construction Features
Surface construction features of the cathodic protection well shall serve to prevent physical damage to the well; prevent the entry of surface water, pollutants, and contaminants; and prevent unauthorized access.
A. Locking Cover. The top of a cathodic protection well shall be protected by a locking cover or equivalent level of protection to prevent unauthorized access. All such covers shall allow the venting of gases.
B. Casing Cap. The top of a cathodic protection well casing shall be fitted with a watertight cap, cover, "U" bend, or equivalent device to prevent the entry of water, pollutants, and contaminants into the well bore. All such covers shall allow venting of gases from the well.
C. Flooding. The top of the well casing shall terminate above ground surface and known levels of flooding, except where site conditions, such as vehicular traffic, will not allow.
D. Bases. A concrete base or pad shall be constructed around the top of a cathodic protection well casing at ground surface and contact the annular seal, unless the top of the casing is to be below ground surface as provided by Subsection E, below. The base shall be at least 4 inches thick and shall slope to drain away from the well casing. The base shall extend at least 2 feet laterally in all directions from the outside of the well boring, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
The base shall be free of cracks, voids, and other significant defects likely to prevent water tightness. Contacts between the base and the annular seal, and the base and the well casing must be water tight and must not cause the failure of the well casing or annular seal.
Where cement-based annular sealing material is used, the concrete base shall be poured before the annular seal has set, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
E. Vaults. At the approval of the enforcing agency, the top of a cathodic protection well may be below ground surface because of traffic or other critical considerations. A watertight, structurally- sound vault, or equivalent feature, shall be installed to house the top of the well casing if it terminates below ground surface.
The vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to at least ground surface. In no case shall the top of the annular seal be more than 4 feet below ground surface.
The vault shall contact the annular seal in a manner to form a watertight and structurally-sound connection. Contacts between the vault and the annular seal, and the vault and the well casing (if any), shall not fail, or cause the failure of the well casing or annular seal.
Where cement-based annular sealing materials are used, the vault shall be set into or contact the annular sealing material before it sets, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. If bentonite-based sealing material is used for the annular seal, the vault shall be set into the bentonite before it is fully hydrated.
Cement-based sealing material shall be placed between the outer walls of the vault and the excavation into which it is placed to form a proper, structurally sound foundation for the vault, and to seal the space between the vault and excavation.
Sealing material surrounding the vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to ground surface, unless precluded in areas of freezing. If cement-based sealing material is used for both the annular seal and the space between the excavation and vault, the sealing material shall be emplaced in a "continuous pour." In other words, cement-based sealing material shall be placed between the vault and excavation and contact a cement-based annular seal before the annular seal has set.
The vault cover or lid shall be watertight but shall allow the venting of gases. The lid shall be fitted with a security device to prevent unauthorized access and shall be clearly and permanently labeled "CATHODIC PROTECTION WELL." The vault and its lid shall be strong enough to support vehicular traffic where such traffic might occur.
The top of the vault shall be set at grade, or above, so that drainage is away from the vault. The top of the casing contained within the vault shall be capped in accordance with requirements Subsection B, above so that water, contaminants, and pollutants that may enter the vault will not enter the well casing.
F. Protection From Vehicles. Protective steel posts, or the equivalent, shall be installed around a cathodic protection well casing where it is terminated above ground surface in areas of vehicular traffic. The posts shall be easily seen and shall protect the well from vehicular impact.
Additional requirements for surface construction features are contained in Section 10 of the Water Well Standards.
Section 9. Casing
Vent pipe, anode access tubing, and any other tubular materials that pass through the interval to be filled and sealed are all considered casing for the purpose of these standards. Materials used for cathodic protection well casing generally shall meet the requirements for casing materials and their installation in Section 12 of the Water Well Standards. Variance from the standards shall be at the approval of the enforcing agency. It is recommended that practices prescribed by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers also be followed in the design and installation of gas vents and electrical conduit.
Cathodic protection well casing should be at least 2 inches in internal diameter to facilitate eventual well destruction.
Section 10. Sealing-Off Strata
If a cathodic protection well penetrates a stratum or strata below the minimum required annular surface seal depth specified in Section 7, above and the stratum contains poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants that could mix with and degrade water contained in other strata penetrated by the well, additional annular sealing material shall be placed below the minimum required annular surface seal to prevent mixing and water-quality degradation.
The following minimum requirements shall be observed for isolating zones containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants for various cases:
Case 1. Upper Stratum. If a stratum containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants lies above a stratum to be protected, annular seal material shall extend from the top of the stratum containing the poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants down at least 10 feet into the confining layer separating the two strata, or through the entire thickness of the confining layer, whichever is least.
Case 2. Lower Stratum. If a stratum containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants lies below a stratum to be protected, the annular space opposite the stratum to be protected shall be sealed along its full length. The seal shall extend at least 10 feet into the confining layer separating the two strata, or through the entire thickness of the confining layer, whichever is least.
Case 3. Multiple Strata.
a. Where two or more strata containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants are adjacent to one another and overlie a stratum to be protected, the annular space opposite the strata containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants and opposite all interbedded confining layers shall be sealed. The annular seal shall extend at least 10 feet down into, or completely through, whichever is least, the confining layer separating the strata containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants and the underlying stratum to be protected.
b. Where two or more strata containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants underlie a stratum to be protected, the annular space opposite the stratum to be protected shall be sealed. The seal shall continue down at least 10 feet into, or completely through, whichever is least, the confining layer separating the stratum to be protected and the underlying strata containing poor-quality water, pollutants or contaminants.
c. Where two strata containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants are separated by a stratum to be protected, the annular space opposite the stratum to be protected, the confining strata underlying and overlying the stratum to be protected, and the upper stratum containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants shall be sealed off.
The supplementary seals described in the cases above shall extend up to and contact the base of the required minimum annular surface seal described in Section 7 above, if they are otherwise required to be within 10 feet of the surface seal. Sealing the entire annulus above the anode interval will often economically fulfill the conditions outlined above.
Requirements for sealing materials and their placement are described in Section 7, above.
Section 11. Repair of Cathodic Protection Wells
Materials used for repairing cathodic protection well casing shall meet the requirements of Section 9, above.
Section 12. Temporary Cover
The well or borehole opening and any associated excavations shall be covered at the surface to prevent the entry of foreign material, water, pollutants, and contaminants, and to ensure public safety whenever work is interrupted by such events as overnight shutdown, poor weather and required waiting periods to allow setting of sealing materials and the performance of tests. The cover shall be held in place or weighted down in such a manner that it cannot be removed except by equipment or tools.Quick Links
- Bulletin 74-81 Introduction
- Bulletin 74-90 Introduction
- Part I. General, Water Well Standards
- Part II. Water Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Water Wells
- Monitoring Well Standards, Introduction
- Part I. Monitoring Well Standards, General
- Part II. Monitoring Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Monitoring Wells
- Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Part I. General, Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Part II. Cathodic Protection Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Cathodic Protection Wells
- Appendices