California Well Standards, Combined
This online publication is an informal compilation of Bulletin 74-81 and the draft supplemental, Bulletin 74-90. Although Bulletin 74-90 was not finalized by DWR, nor officially adopted into the Model Well Ordinance by the State Water Resources Control Board, it has been adopted into local ordinances around the state. To facilitate its use, DWR has combined the contents according to Table 1 (B74-90) of Bulletin 74-90 and made minor modifications in wording and formatting to improve readability, listed in the Modification List below.
- "Part" used in Bulletin 74-81 is equivalent to "Subsection" in Bulletin 74-90; Subsection is used in this web version of the Well Standards.
- "Chapter" as used in Bulletin 74-81 is not used in this web version.
- References to specific page numbers in the bulletins have been deleted.
- Typos found in the bulletins have been corrected.
- Equivalent metric units found in Bulletin 74-81 have been deleted.
- Footnotes have been moved into the body of the text or listed as "Notes" at the end of each section or table.
- Minor rewording has been made.
- The front matter found in the bulletins has been deleted.
- The two-word spelling of "ground water" found in the bulletins has been changed to one word, which is the current Department style.
Table of Contents
Bulletin 74-90 Introduction
- History of DWR Standards
- Relationship of DWR Well Standards Publications
- Organization of This Supplement
- Limitations of Standards
- Applicability
Water Well Standards (Bulletins 74-81 & 74-90 combined)
Part I. General, Water Well Standards
- Section 1. Definitions
- Section 2. Application to Type of Well
- Section 3. Exemption Due to Unusual Conditions
- Section 4. Exclusions
- Section 5. Special Standards
- Section 6. Well Drillers
- Section 7. Reports
Part II. Water Well Construction
- Section 8. Well Location with Respect to Contaminants and Pollutants
- Section 9. Sealing the Upper Annular Space
- Section 10. Surface Construction Features
- Section 11. Disinfection and Other Sanitary Requirements
- Section 12. Casing
- Section 13. Sealing-Off Strata
- Section 14. Well Development
- Section 15. Water Quality Sampling
- Section 16. Special Provisions for Large Diameter Shallow Wells
- Section 17. Special Provisions for Driven Wells
- Section 18. Rehabilitation, Repair, and Deepening of Wells
- Section 19. Temporary Cover
Part III. Destruction of Water Wells
- Section 20. Purpose of Destruction
- Section 21. Definition of "Abandoned" Well
- Section 22. General Requirement
- Section 23. Requirements for Destroying Wells
Monitoring Well Standards (Bulletin 74-90)
- History of Monitoring Wells
- Types of Monitoring Wells
- Authority and Responsibilities of Other Agencies
- Scope, Organization, and Limitations of Standards
Part I. General, Monitoring Well Standards
- Section 1. Definitions
- Section 2. Application to Type of Well
- Section 3. Exemption Due to Unusual Conditions
- Section 4. Exclusions
- Section 5. Special Standards
- Section 6. Responsible Parties
- Section 7. Reports
Part II. Monitoring Well Construction
- Section 8. Well Location with Respect to Contaminants and Pollutants
- Section 9. Sealing the Upper Annular Space
- Section 10. Surface Construction Features
- Section 11. Filter Packs
- Section 12. Casing
- Section 13. Well Development
- Section 14. Rehabilitation and Repair of Monitoring Wells
- Section 15. Temporary Cover
Part III. Destruction of Monitoring Wells
- Section 16. Purpose of Destruction
- Section 17. Definition of "Abandoned" Monitoring Well
- Section 18. General Requirement
- Section 19. Requirements for Destroying Monitoring Wells and Exploration Holes
Cathodic Protection Well Standards (Bulletin 74-90)
- Electrolytic Corrosion
- Cathodic Protection
- Cathodic Protection Wells
- Corrosion Coordinating Committees
- Need of Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- History of Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Scope of Standards
- Organization of Standards
Part I. General, Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Section 1. Definitions
- Section 2. Exemption Due to Unusual Conditions
- Section 3. Special Standards
- Section 4. Responsible Parties
- Section 5. Reports
Part II. Cathodic Protection Well Construction
- Section 6. Well Location with Respect to Contaminants and Pollutants
- Section 7. Sealing the Upper Annular Space
- Section 8. Surface Construction Features
- Section 9. Casing
- Section 10. Sealing-Off Strata
- Section 11. Repair of Cathodic Protection Wells
- Section 12. Temporary Cover
Part III. Destruction of Cathodic Protection Wells
- Section 13. Purpose of Destruction
- Section 14. Definition of "Abandoned" Cathodic Protection Well
- Section 15. General Requirement
- Section 16. Requirements for Destroying Cathodic Protection Wells
- Appendix A Definition of Terms
- Appendix B Suggested Methods for Sealing the Annular Space and for Sealing-Off Strata
- Appendix B (Bulletin 74-90) References
- Appendix C Suggested Procedures for Disinfecting Wells
- Appendix D Collection of Water Quality Samples
- Appendix E Bibliography
Note about Table numbering: Bulletin 74-90 Tables are denoted with (B74-90).
- Table 1. Reports Issued Under Water Well Standards Program
- Table 2. County Ordinances in California Concerning the Construction and Destruction of Wells
- Table 3. County Ordinances in California with Limited Application to Wells
- Table 4. Volume of Water Pumped Continuously from Small Capacity Wells
- Table 5. Organizations Submitting Written Comments on Draft of Bulletin 74-81
- Table 1 (B74-90). Deletions in Bulletin 74-81
- Table 6. Chlorine Compound Required to Dose 100 feet (30 metres) of Water-Filled Casing at 50 Milligrams per Litre
Note about Figure numbering: Bulletin 74-90 Figures are denoted with (B74-90).
- Figure 1. Avenues of Entrance for Pollutants to Wells
- Figure 2. Interchange of Water Between Formations via Wells
- Figure 1 (B74-90). Years DWR Well Standards Bulletin in Effect
- Figure 3. Effect of Reversal of Groundwater Gradient
- Figure 4. Sealing Conditions for Upper Annular Space – Unconsolidated and Soft, Consolidated Formations
- Figure 5. Sealing Conditions for Upper Annular Space – Hard Rock Formations and Gravel Packed Wells
- Figure 6 Typical Surface Construction Features
- Figure 7 Surface Construction Features, Community Water Supply Well
- Figure 8 Sealing-Off Strata
- Figure 9 Properly Destroyed Wells
- Figure 2 (B74-90). Monitoring Well Types
- Figure 3 (B74-90). Cross Sections of a Typical Monitoring Well
- Figure 4 (B74-90). Electrolytic Corrosion of a Buried Pipeline
- Figure 5 (B74-90). Cathodic Protection of a Buried Pipeline
- Figure 6 (B74-90). Cross Section of a Typical Cathodic Protection Well
- Figure 10. Methods for Sealing the Annular Space
- Figure 11. Methods for Sealing-Off Strata