
As many as two million water wells tap California’s groundwater, with approximately 7,000 to 15,000 new wells constructed each year. They range from hand-dug, shallow wells to carefully designed large -production wells drilled to great depths.

Groundwater supplies approximately 40 percent of California's total water supply in average water years, and in some regions of the state, up to 60 percent in dry years. To protect this invaluable resource, we must ensure that wells are properly constructed and destroyed at the end of their useful lives, so they do not serve as a pathway for contaminants.

We are responsible for developing minimum well standards for four types of wells, published as DWR Bulletin 74 and for serving as the state clearinghouse for Well Completion Reports.

Water Well Basics

Local Well Permitting Coordination

Cover Page of DWR Groundwater Well Permitting Observations and Analysis of Executive Orders N-7-22 and N-3-23 Report
Groundwater Well Permitting: Observations and Analysis of Executive Orders N-7-22 and N-3-23 Report Cover

DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Office has summarized local actions taken by well permitting agencies and groundwater sustainability agencies to comply with the March 28, 2022 Executive Order N-7-22, paragraph 9 (superseded by Executive Order N-3-23, paragraph 4 on February 13, 2023), which included new well permitting requirements for local agencies to prepare for and lessen the effects of several years of intense drought conditions. On September 5, 2024, the provisions of these Executive Orders related to well permitting were rescinded by Executive Order N-3-24. The Groundwater Well Permitting: Observations and Analysis of Executive Orders N-7-22 and N-3-23 report includes a summary of various approaches taken by local agencies to comply with the Executive Orders, observations of groundwater conditions that occurred while these actions were taken, and policy recommendations that can be used to develop future solutions to align land use planning, well permitting, and groundwater management and use.


For maps of regions and a list of counties that each office supports, see the Integrated Regional Water Management Technical Assistance page.


    Northern Region

    April Scholzen

    Water Resources Engineering Associate (Spec)

    2440 Main Street

    Red Bluff, CA 96080

    530-529-7368 (office)

    530-529-7322 (fax)



    North Central Region

    Leslie Rodriguez Serrano
    Water Resources Engineer
    Groundwater Supply & Special Studies Section
    3500 Industrial Blvd
    West Sacramento, CA 95691
    916-376-9676 (fax)



    South Central Region

    Chris Guevara

    Water Resources Tech. II

    691 N. Laverne Ave Suite 104

    Fresno, CA 93727-6820

    559-552-4450 (office)

    559-920-2537 (cell)

    916-744-5009 (fax)



    Southern Region

    Blanca Zendejas 

    Junior Engineering Technician 

    770 Fairmont Avenue, Suite 200

    Glendale, CA 91203-1035

    818-621-9529 (cell)



DWR Headquarters

Well Standards
Julie Haas
Senior Engineer, Water Resources
715 P Street
Sacramento CA 95814

Well Completion Reports/OSWCR