Proposition 1 Water Storage Investment Program: Funding the Public Benefits of Water Storage Projects

Proposition 1 of 2014 dedicated $2.7 billion for investments in water storage projects. The California Water Commission is administering the Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) to fund the public benefits associated with these projects.


WSIP  Take a visual tour of the Water Storage Investment Program


In July 2018, the Commission made maximum conditional eligibility determinations (MCEDs), which is the amount of Proposition 1 funding available to a given project, for eight projects. The projects range from expanding existing reservoirs to boosting groundwater storage to building 21st century surface storage facilities. Since July 2018, two projects withdrew from the WSIP and the Commission adjusted the remaining projects' MCEDs. The remaining projects collectively would boost California’s water storage capacity by 2.65 million acre-feet. 


Through a rigorous selection process, the Commission chose the eight projects based on the public benefits their projects will provide, such as flood control, ecosystem improvement, water quality improvement, emergency response and recreation. Applicants must now complete the remaining Proposition 1 requirements, including final permits, environmental documents, contracts for the administration of public benefits, and commitments for non-Proposition 1 funding.


Throughout this process, the Commission will continue to meet with the applicants, state agencies and interested parties to review the status of each project. Once an applicant has obtained all the necessary permits, documents and contracts, the Commission will hold a final award hearing.



* Completion dates are Commission staff’s best estimates based on applicants’ quarterly reports and other public information.


For information about other State funding opportunities, please visit the Department of Water Resources' Grants and Loans page or the California Financing Coordinating Committee website.