Willow Springs Water Bank Conjunctive Use Project

Applicant Southern California Water Bank Authority
Status MCED Issued
Project Type Conjunctive Use
Public Benefits Ecosystem Improvements, Emergency Response
Total Project Cost $343,000,000
Maximum Conditional Eligibility Determination (MCED) $128,274,876
Early Funding $6,413,744

Projected Timeline

* Completion dates are Commission staff’s best estimates based on applicants’ quarterly reports and other public information.

 Willow Springs Water Bank Map 
The Southern California Water Bank Authority is proposing the Willow Springs Water Bank Conjunctive Use Project (WSWB Project). The Willow Springs Water Bank is an existing facility located in the adjudicated Antelope Valley Groundwater Basin. The WSWB Project is proposed as a conjunctive use and reservoir reoperation project that would integrate the State Water Project (SWP) reservoir and conveyance system with south‐of‐Delta groundwater storage. The WSWB Project will leverage 500 thousand acre feet (TAF) of existing groundwater storage facilities and operate conjunctively with the SWP and provide ecosystem benefits north of the Delta. Operations of the WSWB Project to provide ecosystem benefits would require agreements with one or more SWP partners to forego SWP delivery in exchange for receiving WSWB Project water, and agreements with the Department of Water Resources (DWR) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to re-operate Oroville reservoir and manage the water to provide the ecosystem benefit. 

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