Sites Project

Applicant Sites Project Authority
Status MCED Issued
Project Type Surface Storage Projects Identified in the CALFED ROD
Public Benefits Ecosystem Improvements, Flood Control Benefit, Recreational Purposes
Total Project Cost $3,930,000,000
Maximum Conditional Eligibility Determination (MCED) $875,396,369
Early Funding $43,769,818

Projected Timeline

* Completion dates are Commission staff’s best estimates based on applicants’ quarterly reports and other public information.


 Sites Project Map
The Sites Project Authority is proposing a surface storage project, the Sites Reservoir Project. The Sites Reservoir Project would be a 1.5 million acre-foot offstream surface storage reservoir located in the Sacramento Valley west of the town of Maxwell. The proposed reservoir’s conveyance facilities would include the use of existing Tehama Colusa Canal and Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District Canal diversion and conveyance facilities, plus a proposed new diversion and discharge pipeline. Sources of water would be Funks Creek and Stone Coral Creek, which would be impounded by the proposed reservoir and the Sacramento River. Operation of the proposed reservoir would be in cooperation with the operations of existing Central Valley Project (CVP) and State Water Project (SWP) system facilities. 

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