Harvest Water Program
Applicant | Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) |
Status | Final Funding Awarded |
Project Type | Conjunctive Use |
Public Benefits | Ecosystem Improvements, Water Quality Improvements |
Total Project Cost | $585,000,000 |
Maximum Conditional Eligibility Determination (MCED) | $291,841,209 |
Early Funding | $14,375,625 |

SacSewer (previously known as Regional San) is proposing a conjunctive use project, the Harvest Water Program (formerly named the South Sacramento County Agriculture and Habitat Lands Recycled Water, Groundwater Storage, and Conjunctive Use Program [South County Ag Program]), to store and manage groundwater while improving stream flow, enhancing groundwater-dependent riparian habitats, sustaining prime agricultural lands, and improving regional water supply reliability. Sources of water would be up to 50 thousand acre-feet (TAF) per year of Title 22 tertiary-treated recycled water produced by Regional San. Water produced from the Harvest Water Program would be used to irrigate up to 16,000 acres of agriculture and habitat lands in Sacramento County near the lower Cosumnes River and Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.
Project-Related Documents
- Draft Contract for Administration of Public Ecosystem Benefits
- Draft Contract for Administration of Public Water Quality Benefits
Correspondence Received Regarding Draft Contracts:
Supporting Documents:
- Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
- Final Programmatic EIR and Appendix C Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan
- Initial Study Checklist for the Lateral Pipelines and On-Farm Connections Project
- CEQA EIR Addendum for Harvest Water Program Groundwater Accounting Project
- CEQA EIR Addendum for the Ecological Plan and Wintertime Application Projects
- CEQA EIR Addendum for the On-Farm Connections Vehicle Turnouts Project
- Letter of Commitment for 75% of Non-public Benefit Cost Share
- South County Recycled Water Feasibility Study WSIP Updates Technical Memorandum
Agency Findings
Determinations Information