SWP Water Contractors

SWP Water Supply Contracts

DWR administers long-term water supply contracts to 29 local water agencies for water service from the SWP. These water supply contracts are central to SWP construction and operation. In return for State financing, construction, operation and maintenance of Project facilities, the agencies contractually agree to repay all associated SWP capital and operating costs. Original contracts and their amendments for all water contractors are available in PDF format, on request.

SWP contractors operate under water supply contracts created in the 1960s and amended since. Copies of the amended contracts are available on request.

To provide a convenient reference, consolidated contracts have also been compiled for the contractors, integrating the amendments into the language of the original contract. Consolidated SWP water supply contracts are available in PDF format, on request. Note: the consolidated contracts should not be used in lieu of original contracts and their amendments. 

Notices to State Water Project Contractors

Several times a year we issue Notices to SWP Long-Term Water Supply Contractors (NTCs) that provide key information regarding SWP water allocations, water supply programs, billing information, and other administrative matters. NTCs have been issued since 1996 and annual sets through 2023 are available below, for download. All notices issued are catalogued in this document.

SWP Table A Allocations

The Table A allocation differs each year and also may change over the course of the year. Beginning with an initial allocation that is based primarily on a conservative dry hydrology, current storage and releases to be made through the year—to meet SWP contractual and regulatory obligations—the allocation may change over winter and through spring to reflect the actual and forecast water supply.

Historical SWP Table A Allocations presents allocations from 1996 to the present, and State Water Project Table A Allocations presents allocations from 1967 through 1995, prior to NTCs. Additional allocation discussion is presented in Bulletin 132.

SWP Contractor List

Below, is a list and contact information for the 29 SWP water supply contractors.

SWP Contractors

SWP Allocation

Current Allocation

The SWP allocation for 2025 is 35 percent of Table A, as presented in Notice to Contractors 25-03.

Historical Allocations

Since 1996, all SWP allocations have been announced in notices to SWP contractors (NTCs) and are summarized in this document. An allocation history from 1967 through 1995 is available in this document.



For more information on SWP long-term water contracts, contact SWP Contracts:

Email SWP Contracts

For information on the SWP long-term water contractors, contact the State Water Contractors Association: