30-Day Comment Period Opens for California Water Plan Update 2018 Public Review Draft
California Water Plan Update 2018 Public Review Draft Released for Comment
The public review draft of California Water Plan Update 2018 is available online and ready for public comment. Update 2018 provides recommended actions, funding scenarios, and an investment strategy to bolster efforts to overcome California’s most pressing water resource challenges. The plan’s broad and diverse portfolio of recommended actions addresses systemic, and institutional challenges. The plan and its supporting documents are available on the Water Plan Updates page.
The public comment period for Update 2018 will run through Monday, Jan. 21. Comments can be submitted using email, fax, or postal mail. Instructions and addresses for submitting comments are included in the reviewer’s guide that begins on the second page (inside front cover) of the online report.
Comments can be submitted to Francisco Guzman, by one of the following methods:
- Email: Comments should be sent to cwpcom@water.ca.gov.
- Fax: 916-651-9289
- Postal mail: California Water Plan Update 2018
Strategic Water Planning Branch
Statewide Integrated Water Management
California Department of Water Resources
P.O. Box 942836 Sacramento, CA 94236-0001
Online Webinar
As part of the public review process, DWR will host a webinar on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 10:30 a.m. It will be an opportunity to learn the details of Update 2018 and ask questions about the plan. The two-hour webinar will include some of the report’s authors. Limited seating will be available for those who would like to attend in person at the DWR Bonderson Building in Sacramento. Participants are asked to register in order to receive webinar information.
Supporting documents and companion plans supplement Update 2018
Update 2018 includes a collection of supporting documents that provide additional information about the plan’s findings and recommended actions. There is also a list of companion State plans with information about water management issues, programs, and projects in California. One of the companion plans is The Sustainability Outlook: A Summary. It describes an approach for tracking local, regional, and State actions and investments. This method, or tool, involves evaluating status and trends or conditions within a watershed or region. It provides a comprehensive approach to data collection that enables water managers to evaluate outcomes and trends.