California Water Plan Update 2018 Public Review Draft Briefing
The Water Plan public review draft allows stakeholders and individuals to review and comment on the draft before it is finalized.
During this two-hour webinar, the Water Plan Team will provide an in-depth review of the recently released Public Review Draft of California Water Plan Update 2018, with a focus on its findings, recommended actions, investment strategy, and funding scenarios.
The public comment period will run until January 21, 2019.
The agenda is available. The team will take questions and comments, and describe the process for submitting public comments to inform the Final Update 2018. Participants will be invited to share how Update 2018 relates to their programs, and to identify opportunities for collaboration and partnerships to implement the plan.
This is an online meeting, please register to participate. An in-person option will be available in the Large Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Bonderson Bldg., Sacramento, CA.
Handouts and other Materials
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.
901 P Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814