Stream Gage Improvement Program

Technician performing work on a digital stream gage.
As California experiences more frequent shifts between climate extremes, it’s important for the water managers and residents to have reliable, real-time information about the conditions and amount of water flowing into our rivers and streams to better manage water resources for public safety, water supply and the conservation of freshwater species.
To help better understand water resources statewide, DWR is seeking to fund public entities to improve stream gage infrastructure and bridge data gaps as part of the Stream Gage Improvement Program (CalSIP).
Through CalSIP, public agencies can receive technical assistance to upgrade, reactivate, or install new surface water monitoring stations, at no additional cost to them, that will share important stream flow data that can help inform water management decisions.
Stream Gage Improvement Program Update
The application period to request funding for stream gaging closed on December 31, 2024. The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is currently reviewing the submitted applications and will reach out to selected entities soon. Thank you for your interest in the Stream Gage Improvement Program. DWR plans to post a summary table of the selected projects in spring 2025. We appreciate your commitment to improving California's water management and monitoring efforts.
A stream gage is a set of instruments installed beside a river or stream that measures, records, and transmits (via satellite) data about the temperature, pH, oxygen, and water levels. Water agencies and the public rely on the data stream gages provide for multiple purposes, including:
- Planning, forecasting, and warning about floods and droughts
- Monitoring environmental conditions to protect aquatic habitats
- Planning for safe and enjoyable recreational activities
- Analysis of groundwater recharge and streamflow depletion
While there are approximately 1,000 active stream gages across the state sharing information publicly, many watersheds are lacking vital information on their water resources. Through the CalSIP program, state agencies are actively improving California’s stream gage network by funding and partnering with public agencies to upgrade existing gages, reactivate historical gages, or install new gages on natural waterways across the state.
Funding for stream gaging under CalSIP is available for eligible public agencies and federally listed Tribes that have expertise and qualifications (or utilize external consultant technical support) in the installation and operation of a surface water monitoring station. Public entities may include:
- Local agencies (e.g., counties, cities)
- Special districts (e.g., community service districts, irrigation districts, flood control districts, reclamation districts, water districts, groundwater sustainability agencies)
- Colleges and universities
- Federally recognized Tribes
To be eligible for CalSIP funding, gages must provide real-time stream data through the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC).
Further details can be found in the CalSIP program guidelines.
STEP 1 : Submit Initial Interest Survey
For each surface water monitoring site an agency is interested in working on, a GIS-based interest survey should be submitted via the CalSIP Map Application. Interest requests will be evaluated to ensure applicants meet minimum criteria (public agency and site location). Applicants will receive an email notification following map submittal with unique site identification and a link to Step 2.
STEP 2: Submit Application Questionnaire
An online application questionnaire with standard questions will serve as the platform for submitting information and evaluating each stream gage site for funding in this program. Application questionnaires will be reviewed at the end of each month, through December 2024.
Step 3: Evaluation Process
Each site will be evaluated for eligibility and scored for prioritization for each month’s submittals. If a project is not scored high enough to be considered for funding but is still eligible, an email identifying the deficiencies will be sent and the application questionnaire will remain for next month’s evaluation. If a project does score high enough to be considered for funding, an email notification will be sent with the next steps for agreement approvals and execution.
Additional information on the process, evaluation criteria, and timelines are found in the CalSIP program guidelines.
Submitted applications will be reviewed and evaluated monthly by close of business (5 p.m.) on the last business day of each month. Deadlines for each month are listed below:
August 30, 2024
September 30, 2024
October 31, 2024
November 29, 2024
December 31, 2024
View the CalSIP Program Guidelines.
View the CalSIP GIS Public Map.
View the CalSIP Application Form.
Contact Us
For questions and more information, please contact the CalSIP team at
Radley Ott, CalSIP Project Manager
Phone: (530) 945-0985
Teresa Connor, CalSIP Program Manager
Phone: (530) 526-7427
Access Stream Gage Map & Data
Access current and historical stream gage maps and data.
Access real-time stream gage data on the California’s Data Exchange Center website.