Water Treatment Plants

DWR operates and maintains 12 Public Water Systems (PWS) along the State Water Project (SWP). PWSs are also known as Water Treatment Plants (WTP). The 12 WTPs provide drinking water to staff and irrigation and fire flow supplies to the SWP facilities.


California Health and Safety Code [HSC] §116275(h) defines a Public Water Systems (PWS) as a system for the provision of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyance that has 15 or more service connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals daily for at least 60 days out of the year.


Four SWP WTPs are permitted by the State Water Resources Control Board as small water systems (SWS).  HSC §116275(n) defines a SWS as a PWS that has "at least five, but not more than 14, service connections and does not regularly serve drinking water to more than an average of 25 individuals daily for more than 60 days out of the year."


The SWP WTPs are operated by the field divisions' drinking water treatment certified staff. Through their operations and reporting, DWR staff ensures compliance with the State drinking water regulations, supports source water assessments, and promotes drought preparedness and water conservation efforts. Additionally, staff oversees equipment installation and responds to operational emergencies.

SWP WTPs by Field Division

Delta Field Division: Harvey O. Banks and Skinner Fish Facility

San Luis Field Division: San Luis Operations and Maintenance Center, Dos Amigos, and Coalinga Sub-Center

San Joaquin Field Division: Teerink and Edmonston

Southern Field Division: Oso, Warne, Vista Del Lago, Emigrant Landing, Los Alamos Campground, and Cedar Springs


Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR)

Every year each permitted small water system (SWS) is required by HSC §116470 to provide an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to its water users by July 1. To request a CCR for one of the 2 SWP SWSs, contact us.