Pine Flat Transmission Line
DWR entered into a Planning and Feasibility Study Agreement with the Kings River Conservation District to purchase power from the district’s Pine Flat Powerplant (FERC Project No. 2741). To access the power generated at Pine Flat Powerplant, DWR constructed the Pine Flat Transmission Line (FERC Project No. 2876).
On March 24, 1980, FERC issued a 50-year license to DWR for the Pine Flat Transmission Line. The transmission line extends from the Pine Flat Powerplant switchyard to the 230-kV Balch #2-McCall line and is approximately 0.8 miles long. Three steel-latticed self-supporting towers, varying from 79 to 112 feet in height, support the line. The right-of-way acreage covered by the license is 11.40 acres, consisting of 9.19 acres of United States-owned land and 2.21 acres of privately-owned land. The license expires on August 31, 2029.