Tribal Engagement

Aerial photo of the San Joaquin Delta.
Tribal engagement is an important component of every major project led by the State of California, providing an opportunity for government-to-government consultation, and collaboration and coordination between Tribal leaders and project proponents. Guided by the Governor’s Executive Order B-10-11, the Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) Tribal Engagement Policy, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and state policies regarding consultation with California Native American Tribes, the Delta conveyance planning process has included significant Tribal engagement. This included engagement with California Native American Tribes on Tribal cultural resources (TCRs) in accordance with the requirements of CEQA (Sections 21080.3.1, 21080.3.2, 21082.3 of the California Public Resources Code), commonly referred to as AB 52 requirements (added to CEQA through Assembly Bill 52 of 2014).
DWR is committed to a robust, collaborative and transparent Tribal engagement process that provides for meaningful information sharing and opportunities for input. Below is a record of DWR Delta Conveyance planning process Tribal engagement activities by year.
DWR Tribal Engagement - Delta Conveyance: 2019 to Present
DWR conducted Government-to-Government consultation with all of the Tribal governments that requested consultation with DWR during the CEQA environmental review process. For confidentiality reasons, DWR is not disclosing any sensitive information shared during consultation. However, an overview of various informational committee and other meetings with Tribal representatives are listed below with links to presentations and other materials.
DWR continues to coordinate with affiliated Tribes through implementation of the project’s mitigation measures..
- Ongoing. DWR is committed to continuing coordination and engagement with Tribes throughout implementation of the project’s mitigation measures.
- February 27, 2025: DWR held the first 2025 quarterly project update meeting for coordinating Tribes. Agenda is available here.
- Ongoing. DWR is committed to continuing coordination and engagement with Tribes throughout implementation of the project’s mitigation measures.
- November 7, 2024: DWR held the fourth quarterly project update meeting for coordinating Tribes. Agenda is available here.
- August 19, 2024: DWR held Part 2 of the second quarterly project update meeting for coordinating Tribes as a follow-up to the July 9 quarterly meeting. Agenda is available here.
- July 9, 2024: DWR held the second quarterly project update meeting for coordinating Tribes. Agenda is available here.
- February 27, 2024: DWR held the first quarterly project update meeting for coordinating Tribes. Agenda is available here.
- Throughout 2023: Informational meetings and Tribal consultation under the Public Resources Code (referred to as “AB 52”) and DWR’s Tribal Engagement Policy, as requested by Tribal governments.
- Late 2023: Consultation under the Public Resources Code concluded prior to certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report.
- Throughout 2022: Informational meetings and Tribal consultation under the Public Resources Code (referred to as “AB 52”) and DWR’s Tribal Engagement Policy, as requested by Tribal governments
- December 7, 2022: DWR held a Second Tribal Representatives Virtual Meeting on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 for Tribal leadership, Tribal government representatives and Tribal communities to provide verbal comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Additional information on the Draft EIR is available here.
- October 12, 2022: DWR held a Tribal Representatives Virtual Meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 for Tribal leadership, Tribal government representatives and Tribal communities to provide verbal comments on the Draft EIR.
- Ongoing: Informational meetings and Tribal consultation under the Public Resources Code (referred to as “AB 52”) and DWR’s Tribal Engagement Policy, as requested by Tribal governments
- December 6, 2021: Tribal Informational Meeting for the California Tribal Community
- Agenda
- Presentation: Tribal Engagement Update
- Presentation: Environmental Planning Efforts Update
- Presentation: Conceptual Design Overview
- Presentation: Environmental Justice Community Survey Results
- Save the Date
Note: This is a Tribal Informational Meeting for invited California Native American Tribes
October 25, 2021: Community Benefits Program Second Tribal Workshop
- Workshop Flyer
- Video
Note: This workshop is specifically for Tribal communities, including Tribal leadership, representatives, and members, as well as other non-Tribally affiliated Tribal persons.
- May 17, 2021: Community Benefits Program Tribal Workshop
- Agenda
- Presentation
- Meeting Summary
- Workshop Flyer
Note: This workshop is specifically for Tribal communities, including Tribal leadership, representatives, and members, as well as other non-Tribally affiliated Tribal persons.
- April 14, 2021: DWR-only representatives attended a Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC)* meeting to answer Tribal questions
*The Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC) is made up of Tribal representatives from Tribes with ancestral ties to the Delta. The TEC was formed in late 2019 and meets regularly to discuss Delta issues and their common interests. The TEC meetings are convened by Shingle Springs Rancheria.
- Ongoing: Informational meetings and Tribal consultation under the Public Resources Code (referred to as “AB 52”) and DWR’s Tribal Engagement Policy, as requested by Tribal governments
- December 16, 2020: DWR and DCA representatives attended a Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC)* meeting to provide a presentation overview from the December 9 DCA Stakeholder Engagement Committee meeting. DWR also provided updates on Tribal coordination for the Soil Investigations for Data Collection in the Delta project.
- November 18, 2020: DWR-only representatives attended a Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC)* meeting to answer Tribal questions
October 27, 2020: Tribal Informational Meeting for the California Tribal Community
- Agenda
- Delta Conveyance Project: Environmental Review Update
- Delta Conveyance Project: Tribal Engagement Update
- Soil Investigations for Data Collection in the Delta Update
- Meeting Summary
- Save the Date
Note: This a Tribal Informational Meeting for invited California Native American Tribes
- October 22, 2020. DWR and Tribal Engagement Committee representatives attended a tour of the Intake Screens, Inc. facility.
- October 21, 2020: DWR and DCA representatives attended a Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC)* meeting to provide a presentation overview from the September 23 DCA Stakeholder Engagement Committee meeting. DWR also provided updates on Tribal coordination for the Soil Investigations for Data Collection in the Delta project and the upcoming tour of the Intake Screens, Inc. facility.
- September 16, 2020: DWR and DCA representatives attended a Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC)* meeting to provide a presentation overview from the August 26 DCA Stakeholder Engagement Committee meeting. DWR also provided updates on the validation action filed with the Sacramento County Superior Court and Tribal coordination for the Soil Investigations for Data Collection in the Delta project.
- August 19, 2020: DWR and DCA representatives attended a Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC)* meeting to provide a presentation overview from the July 22 DCA Stakeholder Engagement Committee meeting. DWR also provided updates on the validation action filed with the Sacramento County Superior Court and Tribal coordination for the Soil Investigations for Data Collection in the Delta project.
- July 21, 2020: DWR representatives attended the Northern California Tribal Chairperson's Association meeting and provided updates on the Delta Conveyance Project and Tribal consultation
- July 15, 2020: DWR and DCA representatives attended a Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC)* meeting. DWR provided a CEQA overview and update to the TEC. The DCA provided an overview of the DCA SEC as well as information provided during previous SEC meetings on alignments, facilities siting, and soils and Reusable Tunnel Material management.
- June 24, 2020: DWR’s Tribal Policy advisor, Anecita Agustinez, presented an update on the Delta Conveyance Project consultation process during the DCA SEC meeting
- March 2020: DWR sent additional project notification letters to two Northern California Tribes during the public scoping process
- February 3-6, 2020: DWR outreach, by phone and email, to Tribes that did not respond to the January project notification letter
- January 21, 2020: DWR representatives attended a TEC* meeting and provided the TEC with information about the project and the CEQA Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the project
- January 15, 2020: DWR sent notification letters sent to all Tribes located in the counties within the “project area,” which includes the statutory Delta, CVP/SWP service areas and upstream of the Delta, at the addresses provided by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The project notification letters provided information regarding the availability of the CEQA NOP and an invitation to consult with DWR under AB 52 and DWR’s Tribal Engagement Policy.
*The Tribal Engagement Committee (TEC) is made up of Tribal representatives from Tribes with ancestral ties to the Delta. The TEC was formed in late 2019 and meets regularly to discuss Delta issues and their common interests. The TEC meetings are convened by Shingle Springs Rancheria.
The Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority (DCA) Stakeholder Engagement Committee (SEC) met on a regular basis from November 2019 - December 2021 as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas related to reducing project impacts and identifying tangible community benefits. The SEC was comprised of Delta residents, business owners and other interested parties, including two Tribal representatives. SEC meeting information and materials can be found here.
- November 12, 2019: Pre-AB 52 Tribal Information Meeting for the Invited California Delta Tribes
- September 11, 2019: Tribal Informational Meeting for the California Tribal Community
Contact Us
For more information on the Delta conveyance or DWR Tribal engagement processes, please contact DWR’s Tribal Policy Advisor, Anecita Agustinez, at:
Phone: (916) 653-8726
Quick Links
- AB 52 Tribal Consultation Notification List
- Tribal Engagement Fact Sheet (2024)
- Delta Conveyance Project Draft EIR Resource Explainer: Tribal Cultural Resources Video (July 2022)
Federal and State Lead Agency Roles and Actions in the Environmental Planning and Permitting Process (September 2020)
- California Environmental Quality Act and AB 52 Consultation Milestones Fact Sheet (September 2020)
- Draft Community Benefits Program Concept Paper (January 2021)