Levee Repairs

Two levee boils are surrounded by sandbags to stop water seepage in Sutter County. DWR/2017.
We maintain levees and access roads under our jurisdiction through our Levee Repairs Program. We support Local Maintaining Agencies (LMAs) to reduce flood risks in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Flood Control Projects in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) operations and maintenance manuals.
We evaluate levees and complete required maintenance to meet assurances provided by the federal government. Other levee repair and maintenance tasks we perform include:
- Perform thorough periodic inspections and evaluations to determine levee conditions and identify threats.
- Maintain and repair levees to sustain flood system integrity and reduce flood risk.
- Maintain the levees to protect, restore, and enhance environmental resources.
- Respond promptly and appropriately to identified levee problems.
- Support environmentally-compatible improvements, which minimizes costs to operate and maintain the flood control system
We work with our partner agencies to repair levees through three programs:
- Flood System Repair Project (FSRP): A bond-funded program that repairs rural State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC) facilities of the Sacramento and San Joaquin River systems under state and LMA cost-share agreements.
- Sacramento River Bank Protection Project (SRBPP): A USACE-led program that repairs urban SPFC critical erosion sites along the Sacramento River and its tributaries.
- Public Law 84-99 (PL 84-99): A federal program that repairs damages incurred from significant storm or flood events under the authorization of the Flood Control Act of 1941.
Documents & Publications
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Public Law 84-99 program.
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District: Sacramento River Bank Protection Project