Tribal Engagement

Perris Dam
DWR is committed to a robust, collaborative, and transparent Tribal engagement process that provides for meaningful information sharing and opportunities for input. DWR is conducting Government-to-Government consultation with all Tribal governments that requested consultation with DWR pursuant to DWR’s Tribal Engagement Policy. Below is a record of the DWR Perris Emergency Release Facility Tribal engagement activities beginning in 2020.
October 30, 2023: DWR provided an update on the project schedule to consulting Tribes.
May 19, 2023: DWR provided an update on the project schedule to consulting Tribes.
July - August, 2022: Project work was initiated when SoCal Gas conducted a utility line relocation monitored by consulting Tribes.
July 29, 2022: DWR sent the finalized Archaeological and Tribal Cultural Resources Monitoring and Communication Plan for the Perris Dam Emergency Release Facility Project to consulting Tribes for review. Consulting Tribes had participated in developing this plan. No comments received.
January 20, 2022: Tribal Informational Meeting for invited Native American Tribes.
- Meeting Agenda and Notes
- Perris Emergency Release Facility Project Overview Presentation
December 7, 2021: DWR sent emails (and letters if no email address was available) inviting Tribes to an information meeting about the project.
September-November 2021: DWR outreach, by phone and email, to Tribes that did not respond to the August project notification letters.
August 17, 2021: DWR sent notifications letters to all interested Tribes near the project area at the addresses provided by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The project notification letters provided project description information and an invitation to consult with DWR under DWR's Tribal Engagement Policy.
Sample Project Notification Letter
Contact Information
For more information on the Perris Dam Modernization Program or DWR Tribal engagement processes, please contact DWR's Tribal Policy Advisor, Anecita Agustinez at: