Agriculture and Land Stewardship Framework

ALS Strategies can help maintain agricultural lands that provide benefits to farmers and the environment.
Projects that convert agricultural lands for urban uses (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial) can compromise an area's ability to support agriculture. Other projects may promote open-space benefits, such as flood management or wildlife habitat on agricultural land, but may limit or eliminate agricultural uses on those lands. For many years, governmental and other organizations have encouraged programs that promote the stewardship and enhancement of environmental benefits on agricultural land as a way to protect natural resources while keeping the land in agriculturally productive private ownership. More recently, attention has been focused on the social and economic impacts of taking agricultural land out of production.
The Agriculture and Land Stewardship (ALS) Framework and Strategies were developed and based on input from local landowners and other local interests on what they would like to see considered by project proponents for projects that will affect agricultural land. Not all of the ALS Strategies will apply to a specific project. In fact, some of the ALS Strategies may provide different approaches that are not compatible.
Some of the ALS Strategies can be used by project proponents to work with local government and landowners to avoid or minimize impacts on agricultural land and operations, and to consider local and regional plans. Some of the ALS Strategies provide options to consider for environmental mitigation required under the California Environmental Quality Act. Other ALS Strategies can assist in maintaining the agricultural viability and sustainability of the area where the project is located. Finally, some of the ALS Strategies discuss opportunities to keep local landowners and farmers on the land by participating in project activities, when a project involves conversion from agriculture to other open space uses.
ALS Planning is consistent with State and Delta regional policies and plans, including:
- California Agricultural Vision
- California Department of Food and Agriculture's Climate Change Consortium for Specialty Crops
- Draft Governor's Environmental Goals and Policies Report
- California Air Resources Board's Cap and Trade Auction Proceeds Investment Plan
- California Natural Resources Agency Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
- California Water Plan Update 2013
- Delta Stewardship Council's Delta Plan
- Delta Protection Commission's Economic Sustainability Plan
- Delta Conservancy's Strategic Plan.
Agriculture and Land Stewardship Framework
The ALS Framework and Strategies encourage the exploration of a voluntary process that engages project proponents and other interested parties in pursuing mutually beneficial solutions that consider the following fundamental premises:
- provide the environmental and habitat benefits that are part of the project
- are consistent with state and regional polices
- provide opportunities for farmers to stay on the land
- maintain agricultural and economic viability in the area where the project is located
- support the stability of local governments and special districts
Framework and Strategies
The strategies are guided by the Framework. The discussion of each strategy covers its topics in the following order:
- Description of the strategy
- Related policies and programs
- Issues
- Opportunities and potential partners
The strategies are organized in five categories:
Note: These links take you to the same document liked above. We are providing these links to help navigate the document.
- Improve flood management
- 1.1.Improve flood protection for agriculture (102913)
- 1.2.Help landowners comply with FEMA flood insurance regulations (102913)
- 1.3.Help with local flood preparedness and response efforts (061014)
- Improve on-farm agricultural productivity, including soil and water quality (102913)
- Control weeds and other pests
- 3.1.Reinvigorate County Weed Management Areas (061014)
- 3.2.Prioritize weeds and other pests for area-wide control (061014)
- 3.3.Encourage use of weed-free construction materials (102913)
- Reduce conflict between agriculture and nearby habitat lands
- 4.1.Establish good neighbor policies(061014)
- 4.2.Provide "take" coverage for neighboring lands (061014)
- 4.3.Support local efforts to reduce nuisance and illegal activities (061014)
- Provide agricultural conservation easements (102913)
- Partner with others to maintain and enhance environmental quality on agricultural land (102913)
- Provide incentives for farmers and landowners to take part in market-based conservation programs (061014)
- Provide incentives to stabilize or reverse land subsidence (102913)
- Assist farmers and landowners to produce and sell greenhouse gas offset credits (102913)
- Investigate options to designate subsidence reduction and carbon sequestration crops as agricultural production for regulatory and incentive purposes (061014)
- Develop area-wide economic and land use studies
- 1.1.Develop a historic and current land use study (102913)
- 1.2.Develop an economic study of agricultural activity and related infrastructure (102913)
- 1.3.Develop a plan for protection and restoration of habitat areas that takes into consideration the vitality of the agricultural economy
- Promote economic development (102913)
- Improve transportation infrastructure (10291)
- Help farmers and landowners earn new revenue from recreation and tourism (102913)
- Assist farmers and landowners in working with governmental agencies
- 5.1.Public advisor for government projects (061014)
- 5.2.Farmbudsman – Help farmers and landowners navigate regulatory requirements for agricultural activities (102913)
- 5.3.Work with others to better align regulatory processes to expedite wildlife friendly agriculture (102913)
- Project planning
- 1.1.Early project planning (061014)
- 1.2.Work with farmers and landowners
- 1.2.1.Involve farmers and landowners in project planning (061014)
- 1.2.2.Compensate farmers and landowners to manage agricultural land for project purposes (102913)
- 1.2.3. Compensate farmers and landowners to manage project habitat lands (102913)
- 1.3.Avoid, minimize and mitigate for impacts to agricultural land from project
- 1.3.1.Reduce impacts on land (061014)
- 1.3.2.Reduce impacts on groundwater levels (061014)
- 1.3.3.Mitigate for conversion of agricultural land (061014)
- 1.4.Implementation and funding (061014)
- Work with local government
- 2.1.Coordinate with local planning efforts (061014)
- 2.2.Implement actions required by the Williamson Act (061014)
- 2.3.Work with counties to expand Williamson Act authorized uses (102913)
- 2.4.Investigate options for in lieu tax revenue for local government (102913)
- 2.5.Work with others to explore the value of reinstating state funding of Williamson Act subventions (102913)
Discussion Papers
The following white papers provide insight into the potential use of ALS strategies to achieve a mitigation or enhancement goals in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
- Agricultural Land Stewardship Strategies Discussion Paper: Maintaining Delta Agriculture
- Draft Discussion Paper: BDCP and Delta Farmland
Additional Resources
The following documents provide additional resources.
- California Litigation on Agricultural Resources
- Good Neighbor Checklist
The ALS Framework and Strategies were developed and published by a DWR workgroup in 2014. The work began with an Agricultural Land Stewardship Strategy Discussion paper begun in 2013. After consulting with and receiving encouragement from various individuals, interest groups and local, regional, state and federal agencies interested in agriculture in the Delta, the workgroup began work on the strategies. The workgroup developed a list of strategies for a Tool Box of what was eventually called ALS Strategies. In October 2013, we also included a Framework for Planning. The Framework provides some suggestions for how to incorporate the Tool Box of ALS Strategies into planning processes and how to develop Agricultural and Land Stewardship Plans for projects that make use of the ALS Strategies. The work product was placed on a public website and the work group asked for input from the public In May 2013, October 2013 and June 201
During the process, the name of the strategies was changed from Agricultural Land Stewardship Strategies to Agriculture and Land Stewardship Strategies. Several comments were received that said that some of the strategies, such as having local landowners manage restoration land, did not promote agriculture and, therefore, should not be called agricultural land stewardship. The goal behind developing these ALS Strategies was to provide proponents of projects that affect agricultural land with a tool box of a broad set of strategies that would take into account local concerns. Most of the strategies are focused on helping agriculture. However, recognizing that some projects will take land out of agriculture, several strategies for good land stewardship encourage continued involvement of local landowners in managing project lands. The name of the Strategies was changed to recognize that some of the strategies are agricultural stewardship strategies and some are land stewardship strategies.
Some of the comments received asked for clarification of who the strategies are directed to and how they should be applied. The ALS Framework and Strategies can provide project proponents and those affected by the projects with a collaborative approach for addressing impacts associated with the use of agricultural land for project purposes and the conversion of agricultural land to different uses, especially uses that continue an open space use of the land. The ALS Framework and Strategies encourage the exploration of a voluntary process that encourages project proponents and other interested parties in pursuing mutually beneficial solutions that are based on the following fundamental premises:
- provide the environmental and habitat benefits that are part of the project
- are consistent with state and regional polices
- provide opportunities for farmers to stay on the land
- maintain agricultural and economic viability in the area where the project is located
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