Public Notices

This notice serves to inform all interested parties that a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) prepared by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) for the Perris Seepage Recovery Project is available for public review.


This notice serves to inform all interested parties that a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) prepared by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) for the Milburn Pond Isolation Project is available for public review.


The project is for “Proposed Changes” to the 2020 Soil Investigation for Data Collection in the Delta Project as approved in the previously adopted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration


This notice serves to inform all interested parties that the California Department of Water Resources intends to submit to the Delta Stewardship Council a Certification of Consistency for the Bradmoor Island and Arnold Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration Project on or after February 1, 2021(10 days after this NOI is released).

