Public Comment: Draft Environmental Impact Report for Cache Creek Channel and Levee Rehabilitation Project
The California Department of Water Resources is pleased to announce that a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) prepared by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Division of Flood Operations is available for public review and comment. The Cache Creek Channel and Levee Rehabilitation Project would restore the design flood conveyance capacity along an approximately 9-mile-long reach of Cache Creek by removing sediment along with vegetation and slightly raising levee elevations at selected locations. The project reach is in unincorporated Yolo County adjacent to the Town of Yolo, 2 miles north of the City of Woodland and about 4.5 miles west of the Sacramento River.
The public comment period began on March 7, 2025, and it will close at 5:00 p.m. on April 21, 2025.
The Notice of Availability, Draft EIR, and selected appendices are available to download:
- Notice of Availability (PDF)
- Draft Environmental Impact Report for Cache Creek Channel and Levee Rehabilitation Project (PDF, 55 MB)
The Draft EIR and all appendices are also available in hardcopy for review at the following locations:
California Department of Water Resources
Flood Maintenance and Operations Branch (FMO)
3310 El Camino Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone: (916) 820-7693
Woodland Public Library
250 1st Street
Woodland, CA 95695
Phone: (530) 661-5980
The Draft EIR can be reviewed during walk-in business hours at:
California Department of Water Resources
Flood Maintenance and Operations Branch (FMO)
3310 El Camino Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821
This Draft EIR is being distributed for a 45-day public review period that will end on Monday, April 21, 2025. Written comments must be received by the close of business (5 p.m.) on April 21, 2025. Written comments may be mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to:
Mr. Jeff Schuette
Senior Environmental Scientist
California Department of Water Resources,
Flood Maintenance and Operations Branch (FMO)
3310 El Camino Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone: (916) 820-7693
Subject line: Cache Creek Channel and Levee Rehabilitation Project Draft EIR Comments
If comments are provided via email, please include the project title in the subject line, and include the commenter’s name and U.S. Postal Service mailing address.
All written comments received on the adequacy of this Draft EIR during the public review period will be addressed in a “response-to-comments” chapter in the Final EIR, which, together with the Draft EIR, will constitute the entirety of the Final EIR. The Final EIR will also present any changes to the Draft EIR resulting from public and agency comments, and DWR staff-initiated changes.
If you have any questions during the public comment period, contact us at