Listening Sessions to Develop Drinking Water Well Principles and Strategies (2)

As part of the April 21, 2021 Executive Drought Proclamation, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), in coordination with the State Water Resources Control Board, is advancing the development of principles and strategies related to groundwater management and drinking water well impacts. The State is hosting Listening Sessions to gather your input for this effort. All perspectives are welcome and interested parties are encouraged to attend.

The Executive Proclamation identifies Item #11:

“To ensure the potential impacts of drought on communities are anticipated and proactively addressed, the Department of Water Resources, in coordination with the Water Board, shall develop groundwater management principles and strategies to monitor, analyze, and minimize impacts to drinking water wells.”

Three identical Listening Sessions will be hosted on:

June 29 Listening Session – Noon to 1:30pm 

June 29 Listening Session – 5:00pm to 6:15pm 

June 30 Listening Session – Noon to 1:30pm 

DWR has a Pre-Listening Session Survey available for interested parties to voluntarily provide input. This survey is not required to be submitted to DWR. However, interested parties who would like to submit responses to these questions are encouraged to do so.

If you are not able to attend a Listening Session and would like to provide input, please email us your comments. For more information on this effort, or to provide comments, please contact: Additional public input opportunities will occur once draft principles and strategies are available for public review.
