Delta Conveyance Annual Tribal Informational Meeting

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) will be hosting an informational meeting for the California Tribal Community to discuss the status and next steps related to the proposed Delta Conveyance Project and associated environmental planning efforts. The Tribal Engagement Committee, which is made up of Tribal representatives from Tribes with ancestral ties to the Delta, will also be providing updates.

This meeting is designed for Tribal Government Leaders, Environmental and Cultural Resources Staff to:

  • Discuss the status and next steps related to the proposed Delta Conveyance Project
  • Update on associated environmental planning efforts
  • Tribal Engagement Committee update


Information on how to access the meeting will be emailed to registered participants closer to the meeting date.

For more information, contact Anecita Agustinez, DWR Tribal Policy Advisor at

Have questions? Please contact Anne Hoagland at or at (530) 304-7405
