Review of 2020 UWMP Public Comments Webinar
DWR will host a meeting summarizing the public comments received and the associated changes being made to finalize the Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) 2020 Guidebook. This webinar follows the public webinar on Sept. 16 that presented the draft guidebook. UWMPs are prepared by urban water suppliers every five years, and the next plan is due July 1, 2021. For more information on UWMPs, refer to DWR’s UWMP webpage.
To register for this informational webinar on Nov. 18, follow this link:
Workshop Agenda
1:00 Welcome and Meeting Overview
Orit Kalman, Senior Facilitator
CSUS – Consensus and Collaboration Program
1:10 UWMP Guidebook Update Process and Overarching Comments
Sabrina Cook, Environmental Program Manager
Julia Ekstrom, Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor
DWR - Water Use Efficiency Branch
1:20 UWMP Guidebook Key Updates by Chapter
Julia Ekstrom
Sabrina Cook
2:00 Short Stretch Break
2:05 UWMP Key Updates by Chapter, Continued
Julia Ekstrom
Sabrina Cook
2:40 Appendix C. Approach to Demonstrating Reduced Delta Reliance
Katherine Marquez, Program Manager
DWR - Delta Conveyance Office
2:50 Wrap Up and Next Step
Julia Ekstrom
3:00 Adjourn