AB 1755 Implementation Webinar
The State agencies implementing AB 1755, the Open and Transparent Water Data Act, will host a public webinar on Thursday, March 29, from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Limited space will be available for in-person participation at the CalEPA Building – Training 2 (East and West), 1001 “I” Street, Sacramento, CA 95812.
The link for the web broadcast will be posted on the AB 1755 website, and sent out to the AB 1755 subscriber list before the meeting.
We will review:
- Statutory requirements of AB 1755
- State agency implementation efforts to date and their relationship with other data-related efforts
- The development and value of “use cases”
- Federation as a key strategy in making water and ecological data discoverable and usable.
We will also answer questions about the Progress Report and associated documents.
CalEPA Building – Training 2 (East and West)
1001 “I” Street
, Sacramento, CA, 95812