To Support Saving Water, State Offers Free Leak Detection Surveys to Small Water Systems
Faucet on with water.
As California is gripped by a third year of dry conditions, sustainably managing our water systems and conserving water is more important than ever. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, on average, 14 percent of the water treated by water systems is lost to leaks; often caused by aging infrastructure and occasionally land subsidence.
To address this issue, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) provided funding and partnered with the California Rural Water Association to offer free leak detection surveys for small water systems, including Tribal systems, that serve less than 3,000 connections.
Past droughts have demonstrated that small and rural water systems often lack the resources to address drought impacts. By signing up for a free leak detection survey, water systems will receive onsite assistance from an experienced leak detection specialist -- identifying infrastructure leaks and providing guidance on corrective measures and next steps.
In addition to reducing water loss, locating and repairing leaks can offer other benefits such as reducing contamination risk, reducing energy consumption, improving operational efficiency, strengthening drought resilience, and financial savings.
Small water systems interested in scheduling a free leak detection survey can contact Ruby Viramontes with the California Rural Water Association at to get started. Individuals who want more information about reducing water consumption at home can visit for more water-wise tips.
For information about other DWR and State drought response efforts and funding programs, visit: For information about the California Rural Water Association visit
For more information view flyer about the free leak detection surveys for small water systems.