Delta Conveyance Project August Update
Aerial view looking east Holland Tract in foreground then Old river and Bacon Island in background, part of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in San Joaquin County, California.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Issues Notice of Intent
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) for the development of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Delta Conveyance Project. Publication of the NOI initiates the environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The NOI also signals the start of the federal scoping period, providing an opportunity for public and agency comment on the scope and content of the NEPA review. Information related to the NEPA scoping period, including details on how to comment, can be found on the USACE website.
Preliminary Cost Assessment Prepared
The Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority has prepared a preliminary cost assessment for the Delta Conveyance Project. Cost information developed at this early stage provides a starting point to understand the program’s probable costs based on industry standard methodologies. While planning and design of the program are in the very early stages, this information is intended to aid the beneficiary public water agencies who are ultimately responsible for funding the planning, environmental review, permitting and, if approved, design and construction of a proposed Delta conveyance facility. This information will be refined over time as planning and environmental review proceed and more precise design and engineering become available. Find the presentation material here and the meeting video archive will be located here when available.
This cost assessment is related to the proposed project as it was identified in the Notice of Preparation and is not an indication of any type of project approval by the Department of Water Resources (DWR). DWR has made no decisions as to the selection of a specific alternative as the program planning and design are still in the “Initial Conceptual Design Phase” and alternatives are still being studied. A final decision regarding whether to approve the proposed Delta Conveyance Project or an alternative, including the no project alternative, will not occur until after completion of the environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act and NEPA, and other environmental permitting processes have been completed.
Updated Schedule Now Available
An updated program schedule is available. The schedule has been modified to align the state and federal environmental review processes, as well as to accommodate additional time needed for modeling. DWR expects permitting to be complete in mid-2024.
Deep Dive Video Series Launched
DWR is preparing a series of “Deep Dive” video interviews with subject-matter experts on topics related to the Delta Conveyance Project. The first video is about soil investigation work. The next in the series will be about the State Water Project. If you have areas of interest that you would like to see the Deep Dive Series cover, please email us:
Future videos will be available on the Public Information page.