Desalination Grant Program Continuous Application Process
Water FX desalinates groundwater through use of a Concentrated Solar Still. DWR/2016
DWR will soon open a continuous application process that will be conducted with the same submittal and review process described in the Round 4 Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP). Applications will be reviewed and qualified projects will be awarded on a first ready, first awarded basis until all grant funds are exhausted.
Applications will be submitted in GRanTS using the same process as Round 4. The applications will be screened for eligibility and then reviewed and scored. On a quarterly basis, applications recommended for funding will be submitted to the deputy director in a draft funding letter and an online meeting held within 10 days to receive comments prior to the release of the final funding decision. This process is consistent with previous funding rounds.
For more information on the Water Desalination Grant Program including Round 4, click button below.
- Presentation on Water Desalination Grant Program Round 4 Draft Funding Recommendation and Continuous Application Process - presented at February 5, 2018 public meeting
- Guidance specific to the Continuous Application Process - this brief document provides additional information for topics such as notifying DWR of the application submittal through GRanTS and how funding recommendation notifications will occur
- Proposal Solicitation Package
- Round 4 Proposal Solicitation Package - describes the overall application process
- Errata - provides corrections and clarifications to the PSP.
February 5, 2018 -- Desalination Grant public workshop with Continuous Application Process
March 12, 2018 -- GRanTS open to begin application preparation
March 30, 2018 -- Begin accepting applications through the Continuous Application Process
Project Types for Continuous Applications
Desalination Grants will be funded by Propositions 1 and 50. The four types of desalination projects that can be funded are:
Construction projects generally consists of the design and construction of a full-scale permanent desalination facility and related infrastructure to result in an operable municipal water supply project. A Construction project can include funding for design, but design will not be funded as a stand-alone project. Construction projects that depend upon future phases for an operable facility are not eligible.
Feasibility Study projects are used to determine the need for a water supply project, to analyze the alternatives to meet the project objective, to determine whether a desalination project is the “preferred alternative”, and if it is, to identify the implementation steps for the project.
Environmental Documentation projects are stand-alone projects for compliance with CEQA or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) where the basic feasibility study has already been completed and there is a likelihood for initiation of a construction project. As a requirement for funding, the completed portions of the feasibility study must be submitted with the application.
Design Pilot project is a small-scale prototype for a full-scale project or a full-scale component of a project and is intended to refine design criteria, aid site selection, or study particular technologies or methodologies (conventional or innovative) for the purpose of implementing an already proposed full-scale municipal desalination facility.
Application Attachment Templates and Additional Guidance
The completed application will consist of both online submittal and one hard copy to DWR. The online Grant Review and Tracking System (GRanTS) has forms and questions that must be completed. In addition, up to 22 additional electronic files are to be provided to DWR as part of the grant application package. Links to the attachments with templates are provided below. For attachments with a provided template, the template is required to be used. The other attachments require the applicant to provide the requested information in files they create or as existing documents. Guidance is also provided below for Attachment 20, Economic Analysis. Templates and guidance are provided for:
- Attachment 1 – Signature Page
- Resubmitted Applications – Include the form entitled Status of Attachments Resubmitted under the Continuous Application Process as part of the application when resubmitting an amended proposal previously reviewed under and not yet funded within this Water Desalination Grant Program. See the Application Resubmittal section of the Continuous Application Process Guidance for additional information on resubmittals.
- Attachment 2 – Proposal Authorization
- Attachment 3 – Other Participating Organizations
- Attachment 4 – Funding Contributions
- Attachment 10 – Project Budget
- Attachment 11 – Project Schedule
- Attachment 12 – Greenhouse Gas Estimation (Principle Desalination Component only)
- Attachment 13 – Outreach, Community Involvement, and Acceptance
- Attachment 20 – Economic Analysis
- Guidance for Attachment 20, Economic Analysis (including Narrative Template). Click here.
- Economic Analysis Computations Template. Click here.
- Attachment 22 – Reduction or Waiver of Cost Share for Disadvantaged Communities or Economically Distressed an Areas.
- Resubmitted Applications – Include the form entitled Status of Attachments Resubmitted under the Continuous Application Process as part of the application when resubmitting an amended proposal previously reviewed under and not yet funded within this Water Desalination Grant Program. See the Application Resubmittal section of the Continuous Application Process Guidance for additional information on resubmittals.