Meeting of the California Water Commission - April 19, 2023
Warren-Alquist State Energy Building, 1516 9th Street, Rosenfeld Hearing Room, Sacramento, CA, 95814
Members of the public will be able to observe the meeting and provide public comments in-person at the meeting location or remotely. Remote participation will be conducted via a web-based videoconferencing service called Zoom.
Registration is not required to provide public comments. Members of the public who wish to comment during the meeting can do so by joining on Zoom ( More detailed instructions on how to use Zoom and participate in the meeting can be found in the public participation guide.
Alternatively, members of the public can offer verbal comments by telephone by calling one of the numbers below:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session
The Commission may hold a closed session, as authorized by Government Code §11126(e), to confer with and receive advice from its legal counsel regarding potential litigation, and as authorized by Government Code §11126(a).
4. Approval of March 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Executive Officer's Report
The Executive Officer will report on various matters addressed since the previous Commission meeting.
6. Commission Member Reports
This is an opportunity for members to disclose any meetings or conversations related to Commission business since the previous Commission meeting.
7. Public Testimony
Although no formal Commission action will be taken, the Commission offers an opportunity for the public to address the Commission on items of interest that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction, but that do not appear on the agenda.
8. California Native American Tribal Leadership Comment Policy (Action Item)
Commission staff will present a draft California Native American Tribal Leadership Comment Policy for Commission consideration and possible adoption.
9. Long-term Drought: Drought Working Group Report-out
In support of Water Resilience Portfolio Action 26.3, Commission staff will present a selection of potential strategies for protecting communities and species in the event of a long-term drought. These draft strategies were informed by the work of the Drought Working Group and will be refined through further outreach to interested parties and the public.
10. Long-term Drought: Expert Panel on Wildfire and Forest Management
In support of Water Resilience Portfolio Action 26.3, a panel of speakers will address how forest management can help abate wildfires, which is one of the growing impacts of drought affecting communities and species. Tribal, water management, and academic experts will share information about the link between drought and wildfire and perspectives on forest management, including Tribal cultural burning practices.
- PowerPoint Presentation: Multi-benefit, Sustainable Management of California’s Forested Headwaters
- PowerPoint Presentation: Yuba Water Agency: Improving forest health and watershed resilience
- PowerPoint Presentation: Wild Fire and Cultural Burning
11. California Water Plan Update 2023
Staff from The Department of Water Resources (DWR) Division of Planning will update the Commission on DWR’s progress developing the California Water Plan Update 2023. The Commission was last briefed on Update 2023 at its January 2022 meeting. The California Water Plan is the State's strategic plan for sustainably managing and developing water resources for current and future generations.
12. Panel on Groundwater Recharge Activities
Staff from DWR and local practitioners will discuss the policy context for groundwater recharge, current on-the-ground recharge activities happening in different areas of the state, and opportunities and challenges.
- PowerPoint Presentation: Winter 22/23 Putting the "Flood" in Flood-MAR
- PowerPoint Presentation: Utilizing Excess Stormwater Flows for Groundwater Recharge
- PowerPoint Presentation: Triangle T Water District and City of Huron Flood Diversions
- PowerPoint Presentation: Tulare Irrigation District Winter Recharge Operations
DWR’s Assistant Director for Legislative Affairs will brief the Commission on State legislation relevant to the activities of DWR and the Commission.
14. Water Storage Investment Program: Projects Update
Commission staff will provide an update on the progress of projects being considered for funding in the Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP).
Correspondence Received Regarding This Item:
15. Consideration of Items for Next California Water Commission Meeting
16. Adjourn
*The Commission may break for lunch as needed.*
Written comments regarding specific items on this agenda will be provided to the Commissioners as part of their meeting packets if they are received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 2023. Written comments can be submitted to Staff will make every effort to provide comments received after this deadline electronically, but we cannot make any guarantees. Comments received by the Commission related to meeting agenda items will not be edited and will be posted to the Commission's webpage in their entirety.