Drought Strategies Workshop - July 25, 2023
In support of Action 26.3 in California’s Water Resilience Portfolio, the California Water Commission is developing proposed strategies to protect communities and wildlife in the event of drought and is seeking input at a virtual public workshop. To attend, please register on Zoom.
The workshop will be offered in English and Spanish. Additional information can be found on the workshop flyer.
Session Goals:
1. Share the Commission’s deliberation process and introduce preliminary drought strategies.
2. Collect feedback from diverse participants on the strategies.
3. Identify areas of regional interest/concern and any additional considerations.
4. Hear how strategies could impact or benefit interested parties.
5. Create opportunities for Commissioners to hear directly from interested parties.
1. Login, Handouts, and Meeting Logistics
- Where are you from?
- Welcoming remarks
- Agenda Review
2. Drought Overview
3. Introduction to Drought Strategies Effort
4. Breakouts:
- Regional Drought Impacts and Approaches
- Report Back
5. Presentation & Group Discussion: Preliminary Drought Strategies
6. Presentation & Group Discussion: Preliminary Drought Strategies
7. Next Steps and Adjourn