Meeting of the California Water Commission - December 15, 2021
As a result of the COVID-19 emergency and pursuant to Government Code 11133, the December 15, 2021 California Water Commission meeting will not have a physical location. This will be a remote-only meeting, conducted via a web-based videoconferencing service called Zoom. The Commission remains committed to transparency. Members of the public will be able to listen to and watch the meeting and comment if desired.
Registration is not required to provide public comments. Members of the public who wish to comment during the meeting can do so by joining on Zoom ( More detailed instructions on how to use Zoom and participate in the meeting can be found in the public participation guide.
Alternatively, members of the public can offer verbal comments by telephone by calling one of the numbers below:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session
The Commission may hold a closed session, as authorized by Government Code §11126(e), to confer with and receive advice from its legal counsel regarding potential litigation, and as authorized by Government Code §11126(a).
4. Approval of November 17, 2021 Meeting Minutes
5. Executive Officer's Report
The Executive Officer will report on various matters addressed since the previous Commission meeting.
6. Commission Member Reports
This is an opportunity for members to disclose any meetings or conversations related to Commission business since the previous Commission meeting.
7. Public Testimony
Although no formal Commission action will be taken, the Commission offers an opportunity for the public to address the Commission on items of interest that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction, but that do not appear on the agenda.
Water Code §79757 states that a project is not eligible for Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) funding unless, by January 1, 2022, the applicant has the project’s draft environmental document out for public review; the Director of the Department of Water Resources (DWR) receives a commitment of at least 75% of the non-public benefit cost share; the feasibility documents are complete; and the Commission makes a finding that the project is feasible. Section 79757 also requires the Commission to make a finding the project will “advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta.” Commission staff will present a staff report and recommendation regarding the Kern Fan Groundwater Storage Project’s continuing eligibility documents and feasibility. The Commission will determine whether the project is feasible based on staff information, consistent with the WSIP regulations and as required by Water Code §79757. The Commission previously made the finding related to the Delta during the initial evaluation of the project in 2018.
Water Code §79757 states that a project is not eligible for WSIP funding unless, by January 1, 2022, the applicant has the project’s draft environmental document out for public review; the Director of DWR receives commitments for at least 75% of the non-public benefit cost share ; the feasibility documents are complete; and the Commission makes a finding that the project is feasible. Section 79757 also requires the Commission to make a finding the project will “advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta.” Commission staff will present a staff report and recommendation regarding the Willow Springs Water Bank Conjunctive Use Project’s continuing eligibility documents and feasibility. The Commission will determine whether the project is feasible based on staff information, consistent with the WSIP regulations and as required by Water Code §79757. The Commission previously made the finding related to the Delta during the initial evaluation of the project in 2018.
Water Code §79757 states that a project is not eligible for WSIP funding unless, by January 1, 2022, the applicant has the project’s draft environmental document out for public review; the Director of DWR receives commitments for at least 75% of the non-public benefit cost share; the feasibility documents are complete; and the Commission makes a finding that the project is feasible. Section 79757 also requires the Commission to make a finding the project will “advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta.” Commission staff will present a staff report and recommendation regarding the Sites Project’s continuing eligibility documents and feasibility. The Commission will determine whether the project is feasible based on staff information, consistent with the WSIP regulations and as required by Water Code §79757. The Commission previously made the finding related to the Delta during the initial evaluation of the project in 2018.
Correspondence Received Regarding this Item:
- District Council of Iron Workers of the State of California and Vicinity
- Leland Frayseth
- Jorge De Cecco
- Ralph and Ann Mendershausen
- California Native Plant Society
- AquAlliance
- Members of the California Senate and Assembly
- California State Council of Laborers
- State Building and Construction Trades Council
- California Nevada Conference of Operating Engineers
- Bonnie Persons
- Christa Romanowski
- Diana Bohn
- Friends of the River
- Greg Schwendinger
- Kevin McRae
- Bay Area Council
- Paul Glassner
- Rosada Martin
- Stacie Sherman
- Steve Menicucci
- Suzanne Roberts
- Pat Showalter
- Robert Zatkin
*The following correspondence pertains to all surface storage projects in the WSIP.*
Water Code §79757 states that a project is not eligible for WSIP funding unless, by January 1, 2022, the applicant has the project’s draft environmental document out for public review; the Director of DWR receives commitments for at least 75% of the non-public benefit cost share; the feasibility documents are complete; and the Commission makes a finding that the project is feasible. Section 79757 also requires the Commission to make a finding the project will “advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta.” Commission staff will present a staff report and recommendation regarding the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project’s continuing eligibility documents and feasibility. The Commission will determine whether the project is feasible based on staff information, consistent with the WSIP regulations and as required by Water Code §79757. The Commission previously made the finding related to the Delta during the initial evaluation of the project in 2018.
Correspondence Received Regarding this Item:
- Stop Pacheco Dam Coalition
- Various Members of the Public (approximately 200, as of 12/14/21)
- Scott Cashen
- Alan and Meg Giberson
- George Somorjai
- California Native Plant Society
- San Benito County Water District
- Assemblylmember Robert Rivas
- Assemblymember Ash Kalra
- Assemblymember Marc Berman
- Assemblymember Alex Lee
- Senator Bob Wieckowski
- Cupertino Chamber of Commerce
- San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority
- Chamber of Commerce Coalition (Santa Clara County)
- Jorge De Cecco
- Valley Water
- Rainfall to Groundwater
- Mayor Sam Liccardo
- Bonnie Persons
- Christa Romanowski
- Diana Bohn
- Friends of the River
- Greg Schwendinger
- Kevin McRae
- Bay Area Council
- Paul Glassner
- Rosada Martin
- Stacie Sherman
- Steve Menicucci
- Suzanne Roberts
- Pat Showalter
- Ellen Patterson
- Stop Pacheco Dam Coalition
- Ashley Overhouse
- David Robbins
- Douglas Schenk
- Naomi Goodman
*The following correspondence pertains to all surface storage projects in the WSIP.*
12. Water Storage Investment Program: Screening Project Feasibility Determinations (Action Item)
At its December 2020 meeting, the Commission directed staff to open a screening process to identify new potential WSIP projects. Screening projects must also meet the requirements of Water Code §79757, which states that a project is not eligible for WSIP funding unless, by January 1, 2022, the applicant has the project’s draft environmental document out for public review; the Director of DWR receives commitments for at least 75% of the non-public benefit cost share; the feasibility documents are complete; and the Commission makes a finding that the project is feasible. Water Code section 79757 also requires a finding regarding whether the project “will advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta.” The Commission will decide whether to make findings that projects are feasible. The Commission will also decide whether the projects will advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta. Projects that receive these findings would be eligible to apply to the WSIP to potentially receive available funding if the Commission decides to move forward with rulemaking and a second solicitation. There are other requirements to receive WSIP funding beyond Water Code section 79757.
12A. Regional Surface Water Supply Project
Commission staff will present a staff report and recommendation regarding the Stanislaus Regional Water Authority Regional Surface Water Supply Project’s feasibility. The Commission will determine whether the project is feasible based on staff information, as required by Water Code §79757. The Commission will also determine whether the project will advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta.
12B. Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir
Commission staff will present a staff report and recommendation regarding the Del Puerto Canyon Reservoir’s feasibility. The Commission will determine whether the project is feasible based on staff information, as required by Water Code §79757. The Commission will also determine whether the project will advance the long-term objectives of restoring ecological health and improving water management for beneficial uses of the Delta.
Correspondence Received Regarding this Item:
- Angelica Nuño
- Karen Willard
- Chris Quock
- Martin Gothberg
- Nancy Jewett
- Jorge De Cecco
- Philip Ward
- Congressman Josh Harder
- Bonnie Persons
- Christa Romanowski
- Diana Bohn
- Friends of the River
- Greg Schwendinger
- Kevin McRae
- Bay Area Council
- Paul Glassner
- Rosada Martin
- Stacie Sherman
- Steve Menicucci
- Suzanne Roberts
*The following correspondence pertains to all surface storage projects in the WSIP.*
13. Consideration of Items for Next California Water Commission Meeting
14. Adjourn
*The Commission may break for lunch as needed.*
Written comments regarding specific items on this agenda will be provided to the Commissioners as part of their meeting packets if they are received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 13. Staff will make every effort to provide comments received after this deadline electronically, but we cannot make any guarantees.