Offensive and Derogatory Names

Offensive and Derogatory Names

On September 23, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 2022 (Ramos) into law. Commencing on January 1, 2025, this bill requires the term “squaw” to be removed from all geographic features and place names in the state. The bill requires the Natural Resources Agency to direct the California Advisory Committee on Geographic Names to revise its existing charter to perform specified responsibilities, including notifying public agencies, as defined, of each geographic feature and place name that includes the term “squaw.”  The bill requires the Committee to choose replacement names, under its discretion, and in consultation with advisory bodies, if the local governing body fails to recommend a replacement name within the allotted 180 days.


Sq_ Replacement Name Submissions Due August 6th, 2024

Public agencies, in partnership with California Native American tribes, must identify appropriate replacement names for the “sq_” names on features and places within the Public Agency territory. Renamed features and places should be informed by tribal consultation, public engagement with the local community, and be respectful of tribes and tribal communities. Public Agencies must submit the replacement names for all “sq_” named places and features within their jurisdiction by August 6th, 2024.

Sq Named Places and Features to be Renamed

AB 2022 Name Proposal Checklist

Some submissions were not included on this list because they have either already been changed through the secretarial order 3404, they were duplicate entries or were not geographic features or places.


Recordings from past webinars can be found below:

May 30, 2023 AB 2022 Implementation Webinar: Replacing “Sq_” Names from California Geographic Features and Places Webinar:

February 16, 2024 AB 2022 Best Practices Implementation Webinar: