Public Workshop on Advancing 30x30: Conservation of Lands


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The advisory panel and public participants are asked to address the following questions: 

  1. How might the State define ‘conservation for the purposes of 30x30. What types of lands and bodies of water could be considered conserved and under what conditions? 
  2. The IUCN defines “other effective area-based conservation” as “a geographically defined area other than a Protected Area, which is governed and managed in ways that achieve positive and sustained long-term outcomes for the in-situ conservation of biodiversity, with associated ecosystem functions and services and, where applicable, cultural, spiritual, socioeconomic, and other locally relevant values.”  What kinds of other effective area conservation might be considered conserved for the purposes of 30x30 in California and under what conditions? 
  3. How might the State quantify other effective area-based conservation lands? How might we efficiently improve our ability to consistently assess and count lands, uses, and benefits not easily delineated on maps? 
  4. Just as critical to the question of what will count as conserved lands is the question of how will the myriad federal, state, local agencies, Tribal entities, nonprofits, and private parties work together to achieve 30x30 conservation in the next ten years. What efficient, effective, diverse, and equity-driven tools, strategies, partnerships, and approaches are available or need to be refined and developed to reach 30x30 in a way that is publicly supported and sustainable? 

The Advancing 30x30 and Lands Conservation panel features the following members: 

  • Justin Brashares, Ph.D. (Moderator), Professor, University of California, Berkeley 
  • Anjuli Jain Figueroa, Ph.D., Associate Director, GreenInfo Network 
  • Mark Hennelly, Vice President of Legislative Affairs and Public Policy, California Waterfowl Association 
  • Nina S. Roberts, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Recreation, Parks, & Tourism and Faculty Director of Community Engaged Scholarship & Learning, San Francisco State University 
  • Jeannette Tuitele-Lewis, President/CEO, Big Sur Land Trust and Board Chair, California Council of Land Trusts 
  • Tiana Williams-Claussen, Wildlife Department Director, Yurok Tribe  
  • Sean Woods, Chief of Planning, Planning and Development Agency, Los Angeles County Department of Parks & Recreation