Plan Participation

The goal of the Tribal Advisory Committee is to create a forum where California Native American tribes and organizations can help guide and develop the content for the California Water Plan. Some of their flags are shown from the 49th annual Native American Day.
We strive to receive broad input and support from Californians in producing a strategic water plan that:
- Meets California Water Code requirements
- Guides State investments in innovation and infrastructure
- Advances integrated water management and sustainable outcomes
There are a number of ways individuals and organizations can participate in current and future Water Plan updates.
- Subscribe to Water Plan eNews to receive updates on current and future Water Plan activities and related news. You can also suggest an eNews items and let us know if you have comments or questions via email at
- Participate in Policy Advisory Committee (Policy AC) meetings by viewing our Calendar to find information on future meetings. All Policy AC meetings are open to the public.
- California Native American tribes and tribal organizations can join and participate on Tribal Advisory Committee meetings.
- Provide public comments to released documents or meetings.
The purpose of the Core State Agency Team (CSAT) is to facilitate meaningful engagement and alignment of State agencies to prepare California Water Plan Update 2023 as a roadmap- with the Water Resilience Portfolio as its cornerstone - for increasing the effectiveness of State government water-related plans, policies, regulations, and investments.
Upcoming Meetings
Previous Meetings
Contact Us
Email us at to request more information about participating in future Water Plan events/meetings.
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