DWR Updates

Low water conditions surrounding Granite Bay Main Beach at Folsom Lake in Placer County, California. Photo taken November 18, 2022.

The Drought Resilience Interagency and Partners (DRIP) Collaborative, established to enhance California’s resilience to droughts and water shortages, has released its 2024 progress report which highlights the activities, discussions, meetings, and collaborative recommendation process that was undertaken during the DRIP Collaborative’s second year.

California Department of Water Resources Groundwater Hydrogeologist Ky Dupuis, from the Geology and Groundwater Investigations Section of the Division of Regional Assistance North Central Region Office, works on their routine groundwater monitoring well run in Colusa County. Photo taken August 23, 2024.

In recognition of Groundwater Awareness Week, it’s incredible to think about the tremendous work California has accomplished since our legislature passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in 2014.

