DWR Updates

Groundwater is pumped from a production well to a nearby agricultural canal in Yolo County.

Groundwater is California’s water savings bank account that can be tapped during dry years when water in lakes and rivers are low. Conserving water helps preserve groundwater, which is important for plants, animals and people.

Western Grebes, seen on a nest, are shown in the Thermalito Afterbay.

During the summer months, a unique bird makes its home in the waters around the Oroville-Thermalito Complex, with a little help from DWR. The Western and Clark’s grebes are aquatic birds with distinctive red eyes and pointed yellow beaks.


The Department of Water Resources has completed the evaluation of proposals for the Species Conservation Habitat (SCH) project and Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. has been selected as the best-value design-build entity. Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. and DWR are in the process of finalizing the contract. Design and construction of the SCH Project is ...

CEMP monitoring sites, resembling sheds, on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta house state-of-the-art water quality sampling and recording technology.

You may have noticed them on trips down the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, small buildings, just 10 feet by 12 feet, sticking up out of the water. These buildings are part of the DWR Continuous Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP) and house state-of-the-art water quality sampling and recording technology.

