More than 20,000 visitors and residents joined in the festivities of Oroville’s annual Salmon Festival on September 22 to welcome Chinook salmon back to the Feather River.
More than 20,000 visitors and residents joined in the festivities of Oroville’s annual Salmon Festival on September 22 to welcome Chinook salmon back to the Feather River.
DWR has proposed amendments to California Plumbing Code (CPC) sections dealing with plumbing design standards for recycled water.
Today DWR released a Benefit-Cost Analysis for California WaterFix by Dr. David Sunding, a professor of natural resource economics at UC Berkeley, that finds WaterFix could bring billions of dollars in benefits to Californians who obtain their water from participating State Water Project contractors.
DWR Director Karla Nemeth told a global audience of water experts and policymakers Thursday that the department has embraced a science-based approach to withstanding extreme weather changes in California while setting the groundwork for a more sustainable future.
DWR’s Lead Scientist Ted Sommer, whose decades of research into fish and ecology has influenced scientific policy and management in California, received a career achievement award Monday at the Bay-Delta Science Conference in Sacramento.
Upcoming workshops to provide K-12 teachers tools and resources to teach climate issues to their students.