Lake Oroville Community Update for December 23, 2020.
Lake Oroville Community Update for December 23, 2020.
Lake Oroville Community Update for December 18, 2020.
Spring-run Chinook used to be the dominant run of salmon in California’s Central Valley, with more than a million spawners spread across nearly every river and foothill creek.
Lake Oroville Community Update for December 11, 2020.
Lake Oroville Community Update for December 4, 2020.
After salmon spawn, or reproduce, it marks the end of their lifecycle. For DWR, it marks an important time for dissecting and studying salmon carcasses to learn about the species’ population and assess their numbers in the Feather River.
To adapt to intensifying extremes, federal, state, and local governments must be proactive in analyzing how climate change may impact California’s natural resources – as well as people and property. In a step to toward that goal, DWR released “Moving to Action”, a call for essential partnerships, planning, and collaboration with state, federal, and ...
Lake Oroville Community Update for November 20, 2020.
In the third episode in the Delta Conveyance Deep Dive video series, we asked DWR climate change experts to explain the ways in which the Delta Conveyance Project addresses the challenges of a warming climate.
Lake Oroville Community Update for November 13, 2020.