A year after receiving funding from the Budget Act of 2021, DWR has successfully awarded more than $440 million to date in drought relief assistance to small and urban communities to address water supply challenges and help build local resilience.
A year after receiving funding from the Budget Act of 2021, DWR has successfully awarded more than $440 million to date in drought relief assistance to small and urban communities to address water supply challenges and help build local resilience.
Lake Oroville Community Update for July 8, 2022.
Preventing fish from getting caught up in the water diverted at the intakes - a situation known as “entrainment” - is a high priority and many innovative technologies have been developed to meet the challenge.
Lake Oroville Community Update for July 1, 2022.
Oroville’s Feather River Fish Hatchery (FRFH) released over 11.3 million young Chinook salmon smolts into the waters of the Feather River, San Pablo Bay, and San Francisco Bay from March to June 2022 to support Northern California and Pacific Ocean fisheries. These fish include both spring and fall-run Chinook salmon.
With California in the third year of a severe drought and facing continued extreme weather swings, DWR has been developing and using new data and forecasting tools to better anticipate and manage available water supplies.
Jonas Minton, who served Californians for decades as a member of the DWR team and Deputy Director, passed away this week at the age of 73.
Lake Oroville Community Update for June 24, 2022.
DWR’s Operations and Maintenance Apprentice Program has released four exams in 2022 for the paid apprenticeship program as an electrician, operator, mechanic, or utility craftsworker. The exams, available from June 24 to 30th, are the first step to applying for a career in the hydroelectric industry.
As California’s severe drought worsens, DWR and State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) are taking action to help small and rural communities.